Page 101 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 101

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                 To briefly consider the reasons for the irrationality of this answer: First,
            there are millions of living species in the world today. According to evolu-
            tionists, each of them evolved in slow stages from another creature. For ex-
            ample, we can look at the imaginary change of a starfish into a fish. First,
            there was a starfish; then two arms of the starfish begin to take the shape of
            fins. Then it develops a backbone. Later, other changes in its body become
            noticeable. And in the final stage, there is no more starfish; there is a fish.
            Now let us look at the relation between this example and the imaginary
            claims of evolutionists. Of course, there is no relation between the above
            analogy of a parking garage and the imaginary stages in the formation of
            living creatures. That is, cars can afford to be parked in a garage for long pe-
            riods of time, but those creatures that are said to have evolved have no time
            to wait.
                 According to the evolutionist claim, any species had to undergo this
            evolutionary change within a specific period of time. This means that there
            must have been many transitional forms. So, it is no longer a question of life

            forms in stasis, similar to the cars parked in a garage, with very rare
            episodes of sudden transformation. On the contrary, there must be millions
            upon millions of transitional stages for every one of the myriad of species
            alive in the world today. How strange that there is not one extant example
            of these millions of transitional forms!
                 Now it becomes apparent just how meaningless and deceptive such ex-
            amples are. Actually, evolutionists themselves may be aware that their ex-
            amples don't correspond to reality, but they want to give the impression
            that they haven't remained mute but given thoughtful answers to such
            questions. In this way, they hope to preserve the faith of their supporters.
                 To answer questions posed by the fact of Creation, evolutionists give
            courses, hold panel discussions, and write books containing the kind of
            logic we saw in the above examples. With these initiatives, they try to indi-

            cate that the spell has not been broken and that they are continuing as usual.
            They want to send the message that that they are still standing on their two

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