Page 96 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 96

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

            forms have disappeared, or amalgamated into nature," or "Let's say that all
            fossils had not ended up as we hoped! Even such an incident does not make
            the theory of evolution collapse." So, in order that no supporter may be in-
            fluenced by any work explaining the scientific invalidity of evolution, he
            took measures on his own to prevent the breaking of the spell.

                 Method # 5: In order that the spell of Darwinism
                 may not be broken, evolutionists keep their

                 supporters from thinking
                 Darwinists' main aim is to prevent their supporters from thinking, be-
            cause any person of conscience would take very little time to realize how
            much evidence points towards the theory being invalid. So, making use of
            every means at their disposal, they bombard their followers with propa-
            ganda, leaving them no time to think for themselves. They use advertise-
            ments, movies, music videos, song lyrics, cartoons, books, articles and any-
            thing else they can find to perpetuate the spell's effect. Their purpose is to
            have people memorize a few words and catchy phrases and become famil-

                                      Everyone is familiar with the illustrations in newspa-
                                      pers and magazines, depicting the evolution of a
                                      human being from an ape. Such illustrations, fre-
                                      quently employed by evolutionists, have no basis in
                                      fact. Their purpose is to perpetuate the effect of the
                                      Darwinist spell.
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