Page 94 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 94

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

                 Uncovering these Darwinist games and tactics is no doubt important
            for those who don't know much about the matter and puts a heavy respon-

            sibility on those who are aware of how evolutionists use the power of sug-
            gestion. Carrying out this responsibility is one obvious way to remove the
            lies and fabrications blocking advances in the scientific world.

                 Method # 4: In order not to break the spell of
                 Darwinism, they themselves do not read, nor do
                 they want their followers to read anything that

                 criticizes them
                 Those caught under the dark spell of Darwinism do not want to dispel

            it. If they can help it, they do not read books, papers or scientific reports de-
            bunking Darwinism because they believe such literature is very dangerous.
            They become very upset if they hear of books and activities that go against
            what they believe. News of the publication of a book demonstrating the col-
            lapse of Darwinism is the worst news they could receive, because people
            might buy and read it. For those who want to preserve the spell, their great-
            est fear is that people will read opposing ideas, evaluate them and then
            come to know the truth.
                 They hesitate to let their followers to read this kind of literature, be-
            cause they themselves have never read it. At their lectures, in their books
            and in their conferences, the salient message they give is people should not
            read this literature. They fear not for themselves, but that other Darwinists
            will lose their faith. They're especially upset at the prospect that young peo-
            ple will come to know that Darwinism is a fabrication, since they trust that
            youth will be defenders of the theory in the future. Seeing them as a guar-
            antee for the future, they want to make sure that youngsters never lose the
            suggestions about Darwinism put into their minds. In order to protect them
            from supposedly dangerous influences—that is, from people who tell them
            the facts of Creation—they make every effort to insulate their pupils from the
            outside world.

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