Page 89 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 89
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
bring you near to Us—only in the case of people who believe and act rightly;
such people will have a double recompense for what they did. They will be
safe from all harm in the High Halls of Paradise. (Surah Saba': 34-37)
Method # 3: They try to influence people by using
scientific terms and concepts that laymen
cannot understand
One major tool in the power of persuasion used by supporters of
Darwinism is the suggestion that an idea is incomprehensible. These dema-
gogues try to impress by using terms and Latin names that many people can-
not understand; their impenetrable style employs dizzying logic and
strange, irrelevant examples. The method behind all of this is the bewitching
principle of "incomprehensibility."
Their writings and lectures string words together in such a way that
many cannot understand them; their effect on people is just like that of a sor-
cerer using strange magic words as he conjures a spell. Their incomprehen-
sibility is even accepted as a sign of the authors' breadth of knowledge,
power and virtue; and this impact increases with the obscurity of their
words. The scientist who speaks or writes in the most opaque manner is
touted as the most brilliant.
This ploy that evolutionists use especially in titles of their articles, is
why so many people say from the start that they could not possibly under-
stand such lofty knowledge. As examples, here are the titles of some of their
"Crystal structure of the hereditary haemochromatosis protein HFE
complexed with transferrin receptor"
"An electroneutral sodium/bicarbonate cotransporter NBCn1 and asso-
ciated sodium channel"
"Glycosylation of Nucleocytoplasmic Proteins: Signal Transduction and
All the subjects indicated in the titles above are of course serious topics
deserving of scientific investigation. It may be quite appropriate to use such