Page 88 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 88
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
have come out from under the evolutionist spell to see the reality of
Creation in the world; and have produced a great deal of work to show the
invalidity of evolution. Neither philosophers nor theologians, these are
well-seasoned academics and experts in fields such as biology, biochem-
istry, microbiology, anatomy and paleontology; and come from countries
like America, England, Israel and Australia. (For more detailed information,
see Harun Yahya's The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science, Nickleodeon Books,
2002.) Only some scientists accept evolution, and not the entire scientific
Moreover, we must make it clear that there's no value in being in the
majority; and evolutionists are not the only ones to make this suggestion.
Throughout history, many of those who have rejected the superior creation
of Allah have advocated that they are correct because they represent the
majority. With such suggestions as "Look, everyone rejects religion; can so
many people be wrong?" they've tried to divert people from the path that
Allah invites them to follow. Allah cautions his faithful servants against
these kinds of individuals, and warns that conforming to the majority will
only bring them harm:
If you obeyed most of those on earth, they would misguide you from Allah's
Way. They follow nothing but conjecture. They are only guessing. (Surat al-
An‘am: 116)
In other verses, Allah tells us that many people in the past ignored the
warnings they were given, declaring that they were in the majority, but that
this was of no use to them. He says that those who attained salvation were
those who believed:
We never sent a warner into any city without the affluent people in it say-
ing, "We reject what you have been sent with." They also said, "We have
more wealth and children. We are not going to be punished." Say: "My Lord
expands the provision of anyone He wills or restricts it. But the majority of
mankind do not know it." It is not your wealth or your children that will