Page 83 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 83
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
Despite the scientific inadequacy of Darwin's theory, the most intelli-
gent people disregard this fact because they are under the spell of
Method # 2. Those who accept the theory of
evolution are presented as respected scientists;
those who do not accept it are branded
as conservatives
Proponents of Darwinism present themselves as intelligent, modern
and contemporary individuals possessing vast stores of information, and
brand those who believe in Creation as backward, conservative bigots. This
kind of mentality appears frequently in evolutionist books and publications.
Statements based on no concrete proof are made everywhere, to the ef-
fect that the theory of evolution is now a scientific fact, a proven law that
everyone accepts. This being the case, anyone who rejects evolution is
treated as an ignoramus in those quarters where it is accepted. Henry Morris
tells how evolutionists regard those respected scientists who accept
In fact, so committed to evolutionism are most modern psychologists and
philosophers (with whom they
have a close kinship) that they
now tend to regard biblical
Christianity itself—especially cre-
ationism—as a form of mental dis-
order. In fact, any form of religion
is considered by many evolution-
Henry Morris and his
book, The Long War
Against God.