Page 85 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 85
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
ample, the same mentality is demonstrated by some people who, after
Moses showed them many miracles, said to him,
"No matter what kind of Sign you bring us to bewitch us, we will not believe
in you." (Surat al-A‘raf: 132)
They accused Moses (peace be upon him) of wanting to bewitch them,
but did not realize that they were already under a spell that made them
deny Allah. Today, there are people with the same mentality, under the
Darwinist spell, for whom the rejection of Allah is a matter of principle.
They are so far gone that they do not even realize what they are doing. For
this reason, they—like their counterparts in the past—accuse proponents of
Creation of dogmatism.
The Delusion of "Majority"
In addition to what we said above, evolutionists claim that most peo-
ple believe in evolution and that it played a role in the origins of life. They
are constantly suggesting that they are in the majority, and that the major-
ity is always right. They try to put psychological pressure on others with
such comments as, "Everyone believes in evolution, why don't you?"
One Turkish evolutionist academic has admitted that these methods of
suggestion are wrong. According to Arda Denkel, a professor of philosophy
at Bogazici University, evolutionists suggest that their theory must be true
because so many people accept it. But, he said, this means nothing from a
scientific point of view. In an article published in the Cumhuriyet scientific
supplementary journal Bilim ve Teknik (Science and Technology), he writes:
Simply because many respected people and institutions adopt the theory of
evolution, does that prove its authenticity? Or, will a judicial verdict confirm
its validity?...[They say;] "In our country too, the theory of evolution is sup-
ported by all prominent scientists, the chairmen of TUBA [Turkish Academy
of Sciences] and TUBITAK [The Scientific and Technical Research Council of
Turkey], rectors and deans." The support of such respected people is