Page 78 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 78
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
Method # 1. They depict evolutionist scientists as
very learned, superhuman individuals
An important method among Darwinists is the suggestion that evolu-
tionist scientists are superior to ordinary human beings—very talented,
with strong conceptual abilities, able to understand events and phenomena
much better than most. It is vital for Darwinists to assume a sense of this su-
periority because public opinion is generally influenced by people who are
viewed as superior.
Just as some societies believe sorcerers to be superhuman beings with
secret powers, so in modern society, Darwinist scientists are thought to be
too lofty for ordinary people to question. Most, for example, consider it a
great accomplishment to look at fossilized remains and be able to say to
what era and to what creature a given bone belonged. People believe that
any theory advocated by such accomplished individuals must always be
true and valid. For this reason, any one sentence written by an evolutionary
scientist has a mesmerizing effect and therefore, many people do not pon-
der the origins of life or investigate the pertinent facts. They assume that
evolutionist scientists have given them all the data they need, and that their
statements are absolutely true. They ask, "Who am I to question what they
say? I'd need to study for many years to understand them." Indeed, people
listen with amazement to these "superhuman" individuals and, even if they
do not understand them, they go on listening as if they did.
Proponents of Darwinism want to use this dark power to suppress
those who become aware of its errors. They insist that no matter what they
do, these individuals will never attain the level of knowledge achieved by
these superhuman individuals. Advocates of evolution say that nothing can
be accomplished by calling attention to the contradictions and errors of
Darwin's theory, and they try to intimidate those who try.
This influence is very strong in some scientific quarters. Turkish
Darwinists, for example, regard foreign professors and all scientists who
have worked on evolution throughout history as superior human beings.
They claim it a major accomplishment if they can understand only parts of