Page 73 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 73

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                 The Dilemma in Which Evolutionists
                 Find Themselves

                 Up to this point, we have seen that evolutionists hold absurd and un-
            reasonable tenets that even people with normal intelligence and ordinary
            knowledge would not believe; moreover, they blindly accept theories that
            are contrary to science.
                 There may be two explanations why anyone could believe claims so
            strange and irrational. The first is lack of knowledge: Someone who has
            never considered evolution and knows very little about it, may at first be
            deceived by its scientific guise into accepting what he is told, especially if he
            has never examined or researched its claims. But when he is presented with
            the facts and allowed to consider them, this individual will easily see how
            absurd and impossible the theory of evolution really is. A short handbook
            or a two- to three-hour lecture will be enough to demonstrate the theory's
            invalidity. A person with normal intelligence will easily see the fact that
            evolution is nonsense. Therefore, ignorance is a deficiency that is easily dis-
            posed of.
                 As the result of a few years' work, many people's lack of knowledge
            about evolution has been remedied, and those with common sense have
            seen the real face of the theory of evolution. Today, even a primary student
            will be able to list proofs showing the invalidity of the theory and state how
            nonsensical it is.

                 The second reason, quite different from the first, concerns those who
            are not ignorant. Generally, these people are quite cultured and some are
            even experts in evolutionary topics relevant to such fields as biology, pale-
            ontology and microbiology. You may present them with as many clear
            proofs as you wish for the invalidity of evolution; you may give them ex-
            amples to convince them of their unreasonableness. But they'll be deter-
            mined not to abandon the theory, just like the man we mentioned at the be-
            ginning of this chapter who insisted that clouds in the sky were masses of
            cotton. For example, they show you a fossil as a proof of evolution, but you

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