Page 70 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 70
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
being perfectly and completely—that is, it was created. Although evolu-
tionists are aware of it, they ignore this plain fact and choose to believe that
the eye, and all other complex organs like it, came into being by a process
of evolution.
This belief is the same as their asserting that a highly advanced cam-
era found on the roadside assembled itself out of the random agglomera-
tion of stones, soil, rain and glass. Obviously a camera, with the technology
it contains, is a product of engineering; but the eye has qualities far supe-
rior to those found in a camera. So how could someone, knowing a camera
is the product of design and intelligence, claim that the eye's superior at-
tributes were formed by chance?
We see that this claim is absurd, of course. Charles Darwin himself
may have been aware of the absurdity when he wrote,
To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the
focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for
the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed
by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree… 35
As Darwin himself admitted, claiming that natural selection can
cause a new species to emerge is absurd in the highest degree.
They Believe that Apes Turned into Speaking,
Thinking and Decision-Making Humans
Of the evolutionists' claims, one of the most senseless is that an ani-
mal like an ape, lacking intelligence, reason, and judgment, lacking the
ability to speak, could turn into a human being by the operation of chance.
What unconscious natural mechanism could have given an animal
the ability to think?
What mechanism could have given human beings intelligence, and
the ability to acquire knowledge and found civilizations?
What power of nature could have taught an animal to produce mas-
terpieces of painting and magnificent architecture that dazzle the eye with
their use of colors, shapes, perspective, shade and light?