Page 67 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 67

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                 This and similar scenarios frequently appear in evolutionist texts,
            showing just how distant the theory of evolution is from science. What de-
            serves attention here, however, is how any scientist can believe them. As
            Phillip Johnson stated in his book, Objections Sustained, it is clear that "For
            Darwinists, just being able to imagine the process is sufficient to confirm
            that something similar must have happened." 34

                 They Believe that Complex Structures such as the
                 Eye Came into Being in Gradual Stages
                 Evolutionists claim that all living beings and all their complex organs
            came into existence piecemeal, by slow, gradual evolutionary development.
            But, if we look at the structure and function of any organ in the human body
            alone, we see that it has been created by a Superior Power. Evolutionists,
            however, propose that even the most complex organs came to be by chance.
            In order to see their faulty logic, we will consider what they claim about the
            development of the eye.

                Given all the differences between rep-
                 tiles and mammals, how did a reptile
               begin to regulate its body temperature
                  by a perspiratory mechanism? Is it
                   possible that it replaced its scales
                with fur or hair and started to secrete
                milk? In order for the theory of evolu-
                tion to explain the origin of mammals,
               it must first provide scientific answers
                               to these questions.

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