Page 63 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 63

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

             spected science magazines, does not hesitate to say of this theory:

                 Far from being a logical absurdity . . . the theoretical possibility of taking such
                 an excursion into one's earlier life is an inescapable consequence of funda-
                 mental physical principles. 32
                 Some materialist-minded people fall into contradictions that—for
             them—are unavoidable because although these people are clearly aware of
             the truth, they try to hide it. Allah reveals the following about the state that
             some materialists fall into:
                 By Heaven with its oscillating orbits, you certainly have differing beliefs.
                 Averted from it is he who is averted. Damned will be the conjecturers: those
                 who flounder in a glut of ignorance, (Surat adh-Dhariyat:7-11)
                 These people behave like that bewitched individual mentioned earlier.
             Because of the spell he was under, he thought sunny sky was cloudy and
             even claimed that it was raining. In order to reject the fact of Creation, they

             have recourse to imaginary space creatures or time-traveling science-fiction
             heroes, with not a shred of logical or scientific proof.

                 Professors who Believe that Running Dinosaurs
                 Suddenly Started to Fly

                 Evolutionists have to explain how every living species came to be—in
             short, which one evolved from which. One of the most difficult questions
             they strive to answer is how dinosaurs were suddenly able to fly. According
             to the evolutionist scenario, scaly, cold-blooded dinosaurs somehow grew
             wings one day, began to glide, and thus became birds. Of course, explain-
             ing how this occurred was left to the evolutionists with the most vivid
             imaginations. To understand the logic of those respected, serious-looking
             scientists, whose intelligence and knowledge you may have assumed was
             beyond your reach, you need only look at the scenarios they have devised
             about flying dinosaurs.

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