Page 60 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 60
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
Do you believe this theory has anything to do with science? Or if not,
are these stories derived from Greek mythology or fairy tales? What is wor-
risome is that some scientists sincerely believe these evolutionist tales and
think that they solve all objections to "evolution." These examples only
show how deeply they are under Darwinism's spell.
Some Prominent Evolutionists Have Pinned their
Last Hope on Creatures from Outer Space
Once some evolutionist scientists saw that it was impossible for life to
form spontaneously, they created certain scenarios in order to keep their al-
legiance to the theory. This is actually one of the most noticeable effects of
the Darwinist spell on them: They will easily believe any proposal, no mat-
ter how illogical, to explain a difficulty in the theory. But they vehemently
reject the most evident proofs of Creation, just as if they were under a spell.
Just one example will show how harmful this spell's effect can be on a
person. Francis Crick was one of the two scientists who discovered the
structure of DNA during the 1950s. Certainly an important discovery in the
history of science, this came after lengthy research and a great pooling of
Darwin was so far removed from scientific reality as to pro-
pose that bears that spent much of their time swimming
eventually, over eons, develop into whales.