Page 62 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 62

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

            Earth, but in so saying, they simply beg the question of how these outer
            space creatures originated. This question cannot be answered by evolu-
            tionist logic! The only answer lies in accepting Allah as the Creator of all
            life, Himself uncreated and existing eternally. In other words, the only
            valid answer to this question is that Allah created all life.
                 How could well-known scientists like Francis Crick believe in a story
            about creatures from outer space, such as you might see in a science-fiction
            film? Yet Crick's story is quite tenable next to another evolutionist thesis,
            according to which the first living cell appeared on Earth 3.7 million years
            ago—produced by biological engineers!
                 But how? The answer to this question is most interesting.
            Evolutionists who accept this thesis say that the first cell was designed by
            human beings from the future who boarded a spaceship and made a jour-
            ney back through time. 31
                 One does not need to be a genius to see how contrary this is. There is
            no answer to the question of how a generation of human beings might have
            come into existence if they had to create their own ancestors. This thesis is
            so obviously absurd that one wonders how evolutionists could even men-
            tion it. Yet the March 1994 issue of Scientific American, one of the most re-

                The dark spell of Darwinism had such an influence
                on Francis Crick that, instead of accepting the ex-
                istence of Allah, he chose to believe that life first
                began on our world from DNA brought here by
                space beings.
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