Page 65 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 65

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                 Moreover, the cursorial theory has one very important aspect that's
            good to keep in mind. It proposes that a dinosaur grew wings from running
            after insects. But an insect can fly perfectly well; so, where did it come from?

            If the origin of flight lies in a dinosaur's chasing a fly, what is the origin of
            flies? About this, evolutionists say nothing. A fly moves its wings between
            500 and 1000 times a second and can suddenly maneuver in any direction it
            wants. Ask any evolutionist scientist how this ability could have come into
            existence by chance. But because there is nothing he could answer, he'll
            avoid giving an explanation. If this theory cannot even explain a tiny fly,
            why do scientists resort to fairytale scenarios to make much larger creatures

            take to the air? What makes them believe the unbelievable is surely the ef-
            fect that the Darwinist spell has over them.

                 Trying to Explain Mammals' Production of Milk by
                 the Development of Sweat Glands

                 As stated at the outset, the evolutionist scenario proposes that various
            creatures "evolved" into different creatures by the operation of pure chance.
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