Page 61 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 61

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

             information and expertise. Crick won the Nobel Prize for his work.
                 In the course of his investigation of the cell, he was amazed by its in-
             ternal structure and model. Even though he was a committed evolutionist,
             after witnessing the wonderful structure of DNA, he stated this scientific
             fact in one of his writings:
                 An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only
                 state that, in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost
                 a miracle. 30
                 Crick believed in evolution and, therefore, that life was the result of
             chance. But after seeing what made up the structure of a cell, he made the
             above statement. Evolutionists, however, accept no explanation apart from
             chance; if they did, they would have to acknowledge the existence of Allah.
             But when Crick saw the wonder and perfection of a cell, he was so im-
             pressed that he was forced to make this admission, even though it went
             against his ideology. He knew that the cell's creation couldn't be a matter of
             chance, but required a superior intelligence. And since he could not accept
             the existence of Allah, he claimed that creatures from outer space were re-
             sponsible! Crick actually believed that extraterrestrial creatures brought the
             first DNA to Earth and caused life to begin here.

                 Actually, this same strange proposal was first made in 1908 by the
             Swedish chemist, Svante Arrhenius. He declared that the seeds of life could
             have come from another planet, by way of the pressure created by radia-
             tion. Despite the fact that this claim was found unscientific and unworthy
             of consideration, Crick persuaded people to believe it. In his book Life Itself,
             published in 1981, he said that creatures from another solar system brought
             the seeds necessary for life to lifeless planets and, thanks to their kind in-
             tervention, life began here.
                 Look carefully, and notice that this claim, put forward by evolutionists
             as an explanation for the origins of life, doesn't really explain anything. In
             this scenario, there is no answer to the question of how life first appeared.
             Evolutionists like Crick say that creatures from outer space brought life to

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