Page 58 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 58
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
with pure reptiles. Only then they can mate and produce new birds. There
is no difference between what we have described above and the fantastic
events in a children's cartoon. And to believe such fantasy shows a serious
breakdown in one's reasoning ability.
Actually, such faulty reasoning is the inheritance Charles Darwin left
to modern evolutionists. Darwin claimed that in the course of time, bears
that swam a great deal turned into whales—thus solving in a practical way,
as far as he was concerned, the problem of how sea mammals first came
into being. In his article entitled "Roadblocks to Whale Evolution," biolo-
gist Frank Sherwin writes:
Indeed, one encounters many bizarre explanations for the origin of the
species when such strange fiction grips biology. A popular
contemporary "just so" story tells how land mammals
ventured back into the ancient seas and became
whales. The idea was first presented by
Darwin in the first edition of his book,
Origin of Species. The naturalist [i.e.,
Darwin] stated: "I can see no diffi-
culty in a race of bears