Page 54 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 54
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
ered that lived in the past and later became extinct, but not one fossil of a
"transitional form" to validate the evolutionists' claims has ever been dis-
In this regard, it will be useful to examine the chart on the facing page,
which clearly shows that evolution is not a valid theory.
What does a chart like this tell us? Every living class you see on Earth
today—invertebrates, fish, reptiles, birds, mammals—has left a fossil
record from the past. There are, however, also some imaginary creatures,
which have of course left no fossil record. What if someone came to you
and said, "There's no proof that these creatures ever lived, but I want to be-
lieve they could have. So, let's suppose they did live—and later, find the
fossils later to prove it"? You would certainly find this illogical. But evolu-
tionists have been making this claim for 150 years, as if they have been
under a real enchantment.
However, modern creatures had the same characteristics in the past as
they have today; they have undergone no evolutionary process.
Evolutionists claim there must be "transitional forms" showing the evolu-
tion of one life form into another, but there is no evidence of this in the fos-
sil record. And without any record of such forms, there is no proof that evo-
lution has ever occurred.
Anyone of a logical, scientific bent and analytical ability will easily un-
derstand that evolution has never happened. But, in spite of the absence of
scientific evidence in the fossil record, evolutionists continue to insist that
it did occur.
Even Darwin realized that the fossil record failed to support his the-
ory, but he hoped that in the course of time, the record would become
richer with the discovery of intermediate forms. But today, no such hope
remains for evolutionists. As they themselves admit, the very extensive fos-
sil record is sufficient to demonstrate the history of life. With regard to the
fossil record, Prof. N. Heribert Nilsson of Lund University, a noted
Swedish botanist, writes the following: