Page 52 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 52

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

                          1- Nucleus                 5- Chloroplast
                          2- Chromosomes             6- Vacuoles
                          3- Mitochondria            7- Endoplasmic reticulum
                          4- Ribosomes               8- Cell membrane

                                                                 Left: The complex
                                                                 structure within a
                                                                  cell, compared to
                                                                   a factory. Below:
                                                                   an actual cell.
                                                                   Such a struc-
                                                                    ture, in which
                                                                    every organelle
                                                                    has its own spe-
                                                                    cific function,
                                                                   could not have
                                                                   come about by
                                                                   chance. These
                                                                  two illustrations
                                                                  are enough to il-
                                                                  lustrate why the
                                                                 structure of a cell
                                                                has brought the the-
                                                               ory of evolution to an

                   constructed a reality, the
                   smallest element of which—a
                   functional protein or gene—
                   is complex beyond our
                   creative capacities, a re-
                   ality which is the very
                   antithesis of chance,
                   which excels in every
                   sense anything produced
                   by the intelligence of
                   man? 25
                   As Denton suggests, this
              mechanism "is the very antithesis of chance"; so then why
              do evolutionists insist it is the result of happenstance? When such a flaw-

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