Page 49 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 49

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                 the chromosomal DNA or in that of every other organelle in each cell. This "in-
                 telligence" is the sine qua non of life. Where does it come from?... This is a prob-
                 lem that concerns both biologists and philosophers, and, at present, science
                 seems incapable of solving it... 21
                 The implication from what Grassé writes is quite clear: Even some evo-
            lutionists are aware that DNA could not have been formed by chance. But
            being under the Darwinist spell, they reject these plain facts with open eyes.
            Most important of all, where does this great supply of information come
            from? What is its source? Lifeless, unconscious atoms cannot produce it. So,
            who produced the information in DNA? Such information can come only
            from a Being Who has knowledge, and no power in nature has the knowl-
            edge to produce information and put it to use. Only Allah has knowledge
            and power. The structure of DNA alone is enough to demonstrate that Allah
            has created everything from nothing with His endless knowledge and eter-
            nal power. In the Qur'an, He tells us that all knowledge belongs to Him:

                 Do you not know that Allah knows everything in heaven and Earth? That is
                 in a Book. That is easy for Allah. (Surat al-Hajj:70)

                 They Believe that Such a Complex Organism as a
                 Cell Could Be Produced by Chance
                 The theory of evolution maintains that life came into being through the
            chance assembly of one cell. This is even more absurd than saying that the

            world's first industry came from a factory that appeared by accident in the
            middle of a city and started up production—again by chance.
                 The theory of evolution claims that four billion years ago, a few chem-
            ical substances reacted with one another in the Earth's primordial atmos-
            phere and then, with the effects of lightning, earth tremors and other occur-
            rences, came together to form the first living cell.
                 Such a scenario might have been somewhat convincing in Darwin's
            day, given the primitive level of science at the time. When he proposed his
            theory, microscopes could view a cell only as a black spot, and the scientific
            world knew nothing about its internal structure. For example, Ernst Haeckel
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