Page 45 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 45
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
Indeed, such a theory [that life was assem-
bled by an intelligence] is so obvious that
one wonders why it is not widely ac-
cepted as being self-evident. The rea-
sons are psychological rather than
scientific. 17
The psychological explanation,
or spell, that Fred Hoyle gives here is
actually the subject of this book. By pre-
venting people from thinking, question-
ing, considering and seeing the truth, the
spell of Darwinism oppresses their minds. And
those under its influence can believe myths that are to-
Sir Fred Hoyle
tally contradictory to science.
They Believe That a Series of Chance Events can
Form a Data Bank as Complex as DNA
In the nucleus of every cell is a molecule that stores the code of all in-
formation pertinent to the living thing that encloses it. When we take a look
at DNA's order and complexity, we can better understand the absurdity of
the evolutionists' talk about the chance formation of this molecule.
To better understand the immensity of the store of information con-
tained in DNA, we need to make some comparisons. DNA is composed of
four different nucleotides symbolized by the letters A, T, G and C; and these
"letters," arranged in a certain sequence, encode the information relevant to
that particular living creature. In this aspect, DNA can be compared to a
huge library: if someone were to write a book containing the information
stored in one single DNA molecule, he would create a library holding 900
volumes of 500 pages each.
In his book The Roots of Life, Dr. Mahlon B. Hoagland illustrates how
much information the formation of a living thing requires:
A bacterium, one of the simplest of living creatures, has about 2000 genes;