Page 43 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 43

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

            pages. You will never compose a comprehensible paragraph. Just as no un-
            derstandable text can be generated in this way, so no string of proteins can
            be formed by a random arrangement of amino acids. But evolutionists
            maintain that proteins did come into being by a random combination of
            amino acids. This is as absurd as claiming that comprehensible paragraphs
            can be composed by pressing a keyboard at random.
                 Actually, the production of proteins is far more complicated than this
            illustration suggests. A written text is two-dimensional, whereas amino
            acids are formed in a three-dimensional space. They are not formed in a
            straight line like the letters in a word; amino acids bond with each other at
            different points and form an entire three-dimensional structure—making it
            all the more impossible that proteins could have "evolved" by any chance
                 In this matter, evolutionist scientists make some interesting explana-
            tions and admissions. Professor Ali Demirsoy, one of Turkey's leading evo-
            lutionists, admits that cytochrome-C, just one of the proteins needed for the
            formation of life, couldn't possibly have been produced by chance:
                 The likely probability of the formation of a cytochrome-C sequence is zero.
                 That is, if life requires a certain sequence to arise, this probability is likely to be
                 realized only once in the entire universe. To accept the alternative—that some
                 metaphysical powers beyond our definition must have effected its forma-
                 tion—isn't appropriate to the goals of science. Therefore, we have to look into
                 the first hypothesis. 15
                 A few lines later, Demirsoy admits this first possibility because it is
            more "appropriate to the goals of science"—but admits that it is unreason-
                 The probability of the chance formation of Cytochrome-C, an essential protein
                 for life, is as unlikely as the possibility of a monkey writing the history of hu-
                 manity on a typewriter without making any mistakes. 16
                 From the foregoing, we can plainly see how proteins and enzymes can-
            not have been produced by chance; and this proves that living things were
            created by Allah. But those who have made evolution their creed find this

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