Page 42 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 42

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

            side; similarly, if we combine 20 amino acids in different sequences, we'll
            form different proteins. But one absolute requirement is that the arrange-
            ment is done consciously. To produce a written text with real meaning, the
            letters of which the text is composed must be consciously selected and
                 A basic experiment will illustrate this. Sit at a computer, close your
            eyes and press the keys on the keyboard two hundred times at random.
            When you open your eyes, you will see you have produced an incompre-
            hensible disorder of letters, perhaps something like this:
                 In this way, you can never generate a short phrase, much less a sen-
            tence, that has any meaning. You may repeat the experiment a million
            times, but the results will be always the same. You may continue to press
            the keys for billions of years, but all you will get is trillions of meaningless

                 Amino acids com-
                    bine in various
                places within a pro-
               tein's complex three-
                dimensional struc-
                 ture. Every protein
                has its own special
                   arrangement of
                 amino acids. This
               structure completely
              invalidates the evolu-
               tionists' claim about
              proteins' random for-

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