Page 64 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 64

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

                 There are two evolutionist theories about how dinosaurs started to fly:
            the "arboreal" theory and the "cursorial" one. According to the first, the an-
            cestors of birds were reptiles that lived in trees and whose forelimbs devel-
            oped into wings over the course of time as they jumped from branch to
            branch. The second theory proposes that land-dwelling dinosaurs opened
            and closed their front legs while chasing insects and, as a result of this
            movement, their legs developed into wings that let the dinosaurs "take off."
            The author of this theory is John Ostrom, an evolutionist professor emeri-
            tus at Yale University's Department of Geology and Geophysics.
                 You may imagine that this kind of transformations could happen only
            in cartoons or fairy tales, but amazingly, very intelligent individuals who
            have become high-ranking professors in their particular disciplines have
                                                  proposed similar scenarios. We
                                                  can illustrate the logical defi-
                                                  ciency of their ideas with another
                                                  example: In an age before science
                                                  had not developed, a number of
                                                  people believed that sheep grew
                                                  from a plant! Today, this is cer-
                                                  tainly nothing but superstition,
                                                  and the claim that a creature grew
                                                  wings from jumping from tree to
                                                  tree or from chasing after flies is
                                                  just as much of a superstition.

                                                  To explain how birds first came into
                                                  existence, imaginative evolutionists
                                                  proposed that reptiles climbed into
                                                  trees and were forced to develop
                                                  wings as they jumped from one
                                                  branch to another. Their alternative
                                                  solution to this question is that an
                                                  imaginary running dinosaur grew
                                                  wings to help it catch insects.

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