Page 72 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 72

The Dark Spell of Darwinism

                 What natural mechanism could have enabled an animal to make a
             light-bulb and discover the structure of an atom, the law of gravity and the
             inner workings of a cell?
                 Or who could have endowed a monkey with the superior intelligence
             needed to invent a microscope, television or a computer?
                 Could any force in nature give a monkey such spiritual qualities as the
             ability to draw conclusions from experiences, form feasible solutions, take
             pleasure, feel regret, act with forethought and feel proud or embarrassed?
                 Of course, no monkey can possess these qualities. Even if all the ele-
             ments of nature were to combine, they couldn't manage to endow a mon-
             key with spiritual qualities. In The Scars of Evolution, the evolutionist pale-
             ontologist Elaine Morgan admits the situation in which the theory of evo-
             lution finds itself, when confronted by these questions:

                 Four of the most outstanding mysteries about humans are: 1) why do they
                 walk on two legs? 2) why have they lost their fur? 3) why have they developed
                 such large brains? 4) why did they learn to speak?
                 The orthodox answers to these questions are: 1) "We do not yet know"; 2) "We
                 do not yet know"; 3) "We do not yet know"; 4) "We do not yet know." The list
                 of questions could be considerably lengthened without affecting the monot-
                 ony of the answers. 36
                 Evolutionists have left these questions unanswered, because they real-
             ize their answers will do nothing to show that a superior creature like a
             human being is a product of chance. Even if the world were a quadrillion
             years old, no chance operations could create the human spirit. The Creator
             of the human spirit, as well as the heavens and the Earth and everything in
             between, is Allah, the Lord of all. Just pondering the human spirit shows
             how absurdly misguided are the evolutionists' tales of chance. (For more in-
             formation on the "Scenario of Human Evolution," see Harun Yahya's The

             Evolution Deceit, 8th Edition, Taha Publishing, London, 2003)

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