Page 79 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 79

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

            the lectures presented by them. They are proud if they can demonstrate
            some understanding of even a few paragraphs within this complex and in-
            comprehensible mass. If they do manage to achieve this, then they enter
            into discussions, write papers and give talks about the little they were able
            to understand.
                 Turkish Darwinists also believe that world-famous professors have
            thousands of pieces of evidence about human evolution, as well as infor-
            mation about fossils, mutations and natural selection, that prove the valid-
            ity of evolution. They think that evolutionist scientists do not reveal all the
            proofs they have simply because ordinary people couldn't understand these
            abstruse scientific facts; and that proofs released to the public are on a level
            simple enough for them to understand.
                 However, the truth is otherwise. With
            the development of science, it has become
            clear that these individuals, presented as
            respected scientists, have no evidence to
            prove their theory apart from a handful of
            false evidence and fabrications. The inva-
            lidity of these misleading interpretations
            has been shown hundreds of times by sci-
            entific investigation. (For detailed infor-
            mation in this subject, see Harun Yahya's
            Darwinism Refuted, Goodword Books, 2003
            and The Evolution Deceit, 8th Edition, Taha
            Publishing, 2003.)

                      Every fossil expert can look at a petrified bone and suggest informa-
                      tion about it. But when evolutionists engage in this ordinary scientific
                     activity, they give the impression of being engaged in something enig-
                                                       matic and incomprehensible.

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