Page 95 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 95
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
To achieve this, they first gather young people together in camps and
courses they have organized and instill strong suggestions in their minds.
They educate them with incomprehensible words, complex narratives and de-
pictions; this education continues while they eat, play sports, read books and
converse. They meet together so often in the belief that in order for the
Darwinist "trance" not to be broken, youth need to be kept under constant ob-
servation and under the power of suggestion. Even the shortest break could
let some suspicion enter their minds that the theory of evolution is a myth.
They want to prevent youth from reading works about the invalidity of
evolution and the fact of Creation out of fear that their trance will be broken,
the spell will lose its effect, and that young people will entertain doubts about
the theory. To remove such doubts, the only thing they can do is exaggerate
the idea of the significance and the power of evolution. Teilhard de Chardin
was one of the leaders of Universal Humanism in France; these words he
wrote are a clear example of this kind of evolutionist discourse:
Is evolution a theory, a system, or a hypothesis? It is much more—it is a general
postulate to which all theories, all hypotheses, all systems must henceforth bow
and which they must satisfy in order to be thinkable and true. Evolution is a light
which illuminates all facts, a trajectory which all lines of thought must follow—
this is what evolution is. 47
From this quote, we can see that Chardin is blindly attached to evolution,
even if scientific evidence points in the opposite direction. And, in a tactic
used generally by all evolutionists, he proclaims his faith in no uncertain
terms. Against the possibility that supporters may read and be influenced by
other ideas, evolutionists always speak with total certainly. If they read any-
thing that says that logic and evidence from science have invalidated evolu-
tion, they take measures to keep their followers from abandoning the theory
by such reasoning as this: "Even if there is no proof for evolution, neverthe-
less it has happened."
Umit Sayin, a long-time writer for the evolutionist journal Bilim Utopya
(Science Utopia), expresses this blind allegiance with the words, "Let's as-
sume that we have not found any fossils yet; then this shows that all life