Page 98 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 98
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
Facts presented in the book
The Evolution Deceit were
traumatizing for materialists
like Rennan Pekunlu.
were threatened that The Evolution Deceit was informing people about their
theory's scientific invalidity. What upset them most was the chapter enti-
tled "The Secret Beyond Matter," which demolished the materialists' philo-
sophical idea that everything is composed of matter.
The person who expressed most clearly the worry and panic experi-
enced in Turkey's evolutionist-materialist circles was Rennan Pekunlu, a
lecturer and writer for Bilim Utopya (Science Utopia), a journal whose man-
date is to promote materialism. Both in articles for the journal and in com-
ments on a number of panel discussions, Pekunlu indicated that The
Evolution Deceit was a major threat. Beside the chapters debunking
Darwinism, what worried him most was the section entitled "The Secret
Beyond Matter." Pekunlu sent a message to his readers and to his few lis-
teners telling them not to be taken in by these ideas and to remain loyal to
materialism. For his thesis, he found support in Vladimir I. Lenin and ad-
vised everyone to read Materialism and Empirio-Criticism, the book Russia's
bloody communist leader wrote a century earlier. But the only thing
Pekunlu managed to accomplish was to repeat Lenin's warning to his read-