Page 102 - The Dark Spell of Darwinism
P. 102
The Dark Spell of Darwinism
feet, and to have that message reach the right people, they publish books
and journals that only illustrate the hopelessness of their position. Their
publications are nothing more than works of rhetoric designed to console
one another, but do not give any response to basic scientific evidence that
invalidates their theory. They talk repeatedly about the same subjects as if
no proof had been given to cause their theory's collapse.
One of the most serious impasses for evolution is the molecular stage in
the appearance of life on Earth. From a molecular point of view, the theory of
evolution has not been able to explain how life began or how proteins and
cells—the building blocks of life—came into being. Disregarding all such ob-
jections, evolutionists opt to concentrate on questions of secondary impor-
For example, as Michael J. Behe
states in his book, 80% of the articles on
molecular evolution published in the
Journal of Molecular Evolution (JME), the
world's best known mole-
cular biology periodi-
cal, have to do with the
comparison of amino
acid sequences. For exam-
ple, all the amino acids of
two proteins are arranged
and examined in a series or
the nucleotides on a DNA
Michael Behe and his book,
Darwin's Black Box. molecule are compared. Behe
says that this comparison does
nothing to remove the impasse confronting molecular evolution. He writes:
But the root question remains unanswered: What has caused complex systems
to form? No one has ever explained in detailed, scientific fashion how muta-
tion and natural selection could build the complex, intricate structures dis-
cussed in this book. 51