Page 36 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 36
an is created by Allah in a most complete state and equipped
with superior characteristics. His superiority over all creatures
– as shown by his distinctive intellectual skills of thought and
comprehension, and his readiness to learn and develop cul-
tures – is unquestionable.
Have you ever thought why it is that despite all these superior features
man has such a fragile body, which is always vulnerable to external and
internal threat? Why is it exposed to the attacks of microbes or bacteria,
which are so tiny they are invisible to the naked eye? Why does he have
to spend a certain part of each day keeping himself clean? Why does he
need bodily care? And why does he age in the course of time?
People assume that these needs are natural phenomena. Yet, being in
need of care as a human serves a special purpose. Every detail of the needs
of man is specially created. The verse "man was created weak" (Surat an-
Nisa: 28) is the manifest statement of this fact.
Man's infinite needs are created on purpose: to make him understand
that he is a servant of Allah and that this world is a temporary residence
for him.
Man has no influence whatsoever on the date and place of his birth.
Likewise, he never knows where or how he will die. Moreover, all his
efforts to eliminate the factors negatively affecting his life are vain and
34 The Weaknesses of Man