Page 38 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 38

               nals a life-threatening condition. A person with a body temperature of
               35 C suffers severely from disorientation and constantly falls asleep. Mental
               functions slow. A slight decrease in body temperature can cause such con-
               sequences, but even more exposure to cold weather, bringing body tem-
               perature below 33 C, causes loss of consciousness. At 24 C, the respirato-
               ry system fails to function. The brain is damaged at 20 C and finally the
               heart stops at 19 C bringing on the unavoidable end: death.
                  This is only one of the examples upon which will be further expanded
               in the remaining pages of this book. The purpose in providing these exam-
               ples is to emphasise that, due to the inexorable factors endangering his
               being, man will always fail to find profound satisfaction in his way of liv-
               ing. The aim is to remind the reader that man should avoid blind attach-
               ment to life and stop spending all his life running after dreams and,
               instead, always remember Allah and the real life, the Hereafter.
                  There is an eternal Paradise promised to man. As readers will have the
               opportunity to see from the pages that follow, paradise is a place of per-
               fection. In paradise, man will be entirely insulated from all the physical
               weaknesses and imperfections that surround him on earth. Everything he
               desires will be within easy reach. Furthermore, fatigue, thirst, exhaustion,
               hunger, and injury do not exist in paradise.
                  Helping people reflect on their real nature and consequently have a
               deeper understanding of the infinite superiority of the Creator is another
               purpose of this book. In addition, comprehending that man is in need of
               the guidance of Allah is surely of great relevance to everyone. Allah states
               this in the following verse:

                    O mankind! You are the poor in your relation to Allah. And Allah! He is the
                    Absolute, the Owner of Praise. (Surah al-Fatir: 15)

                  Bodily Needs

                  Man is exposed to many physical risks. Keeping one's body and envi-
               ronment clean and taking painstaking care of them are life-long burdens
               with which one has always to be occupied in order to minimise health
               risks. What is even more striking is that the amount of time spent on such

                36  The Weaknesses of Man
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