Page 41 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 41
with the aid of water; water is vital for life.
The foregoing are the weaknesses that one can observe in one's own
body. Yet a question remains: are we all aware that these are weaknesses?
Alternatively, do we think that these are 'natural' since human beings all
over the world have such weaknesses? However, we should keep in mind
that Allah could have created man perfect without any of these weakness-
es. Each human being could have been as clean and as fragrant as a rose.
Nevertheless, the lessons drawn from such a state lead eventually to wis-
dom, summoning us to clarity of mind and consciousness; man, seeing his
weaknesses in the presence of Allah, should understand why he is creat-
ed and try to lead an honourable life as a servant of Allah.
Fifteen Years Without "Consciousness"
Everyone has to spend some of his daily time sleeping. No matter how
much work he has or how he struggles to avoid it, it is inescapable that he
will fall asleep and remain in bed for at least a quarter of the day. Hence,
man is conscious only eighteen hours a day; he spends the remaining time
– a minimum of six hours a day on average – in complete unconscious-
ness. When assessed from this standpoint, we come across a striking pic-
ture: one quarter of an average 60 years of life is spent in total uncon-
Do we then have an alternative to sleep? What would happen to some-
one who said, "I do not want to sleep?"
First, one's eyes become red and one's skin colour pales. If the dura-
tion of sleeplessness extends, loss of consciousness results.
Closing the eyes and the inability to focus attention are the initial phas-
es of falling asleep. This is an inevitable process, and beautiful or ugly,
wealthy or poor, everybody experiences the same process.
Similarly to death, just before sleep the body starts to become insensi-
tive to the outer world and gives no response to any stimulus. Senses that
were exceptionally keen a while ago start to fail. In the meantime, per-
ceptions are altered. The body reduces all functions to a minimum, lead-
ing to disorientation in place and time and slower body movements. This
The Truth of the Life of This World 39