Page 43 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 43

20 years of a 60-year life are spent asleep. The initial 5-10 years of the
          remaining 40-45 years, however, are spent in childhood, another period
          that is also spent in an almost unconscious state. In other words, a sixty-
          year-old man will have spent perhaps half of his life without conscious-
          ness. Regarding the other half of life, many statistics are available. These
          figures, for instance, include the time spent preparing meals, eating,
          bathing or caught in traffic jams. This list can be further extended. In con-
          clusion, what remains from a "long" life is only 3-5 years. What is the
          importance of such a short life in comparison to an eternal one?
             It is right at this point that a huge gulf yawns between those who have
          faith and disbelievers. Disbelievers, believing the only life to be here on
          this earth, struggle to make the most of it. Yet these are useless endeav-
          ours: this world is both short and its life is beset with "weaknesses".
          Furthermore, since the disbeliever does not put his trust in Allah, he lives
          a troublesome life, one fraught with concerns and fears.
             Those who have faith, on the other hand, spend their lives remember-
          ing Allah and in His presence at each instant, during all of the minor and
          troublesome occupations of bodily care, eating, drinking, standing, sitting,
          reclining to sleep, and seeking livelihoods, etc. They spend their lives only
          to attain the contentment of Allah and thus lead peaceful lives, isolated
          completely from all worldly sorrows and fears. In conclusion, they attain
          paradise, a place of eternal happiness. Similarly, the ultimate purpose of
          life is stated in the verse:

              To the righteous (when) it is said, "What is it that your Lord has revealed?"
              they say, "All that is good." To those who do good, there is good in this
              world, and the home of the hereafter is even better and excellent indeed is
              the home of the righteous. (Surat an-Nahl: 30-31)

             Disease and Accidents
             Disease also reminds man how prone he is to weakness. The body,
          highly protected against all types of external threats, is seriously affected
          by mere viruses, disease-producing agents invisible to the naked eye. This
          process seems unreasonable, since Allah equipped the body with very

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