Page 45 - The Truth of the Life of This World
P. 45
ple, but every day thousands of people around the world face incidents
such as these which are difficult to imagine.
These facts should make us understand the futility of devotion to this
world and conclude that everything that has been given us is but a tem-
porary favour to test us in this world. It is unfathomable how a human
being, still unable to combat an invisible virus, dares to display arrogance
towards his Almighty Creator.
No doubt, it is Allah who created man and He is the One who protects
him against all dangers. In this respect, accidents and disease show us who
we are. No matter how potent one assumes oneself to be, except by the
will of Allah, one cannot prevent any disaster from befalling. Allah creates
all disease and other situations to remind man of his weaknesses.
This world is a place to test man. Everyone is held responsible for try-
ing to attain His good pleasure. At the end of this test, those who have a
clear unitary knowledge of Allah without ascribing partners to Him and
obey His prohibitions and orders will reside in paradise for all eternity.
Those who do not change their arrogance and prefer this world and their
desires will thus lose an eternal life of bliss and ease in exchange for eter-
nal suffering and will never be free of troubles, weakness and sorrow
either in this world or in the Hereafter.
The Consequences of Diseases and Accidents
As stated earlier, disease and accidents are the events by which Allah
tests man. Facing such an incident, a faithful person immediately turns to
Allah, praying and seeking refuge in Him. He is well aware that nothing
and no-one except Allah can save him from grief. He is also aware that his
patience, devotion and trust in Allah are being tested. In the Qur'an, the
prophet Ibrahim is praised for his exemplary attitude. His sincere prayer is
one that should be repeated by all believers. It is related in the Qur'an as
"…Who gives me food and drink, and when I am ill, it is He who cures
me; Who will cause me to die, and give me life (again)." (Surat ash-
Shu'ara: 79-81)
The Truth of the Life of This World 43