Page 107 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 107

p to this point, we have seen
                                        that satanism rejects every kind
                                        of religious and moral value
                                        and is completely hostile to
                                        everything reminiscent of Di-

                       vinely inspired religions. It aims to oppose every
                       good quality elucidated by religious morality and
                       to do the exact opposite. Satanism perversely
                       teaches that to do these things is to serve satan.
                           Satanists are totally opposed to the love, com-
                       passion, righteousness and honesty that are the
                       basis of Divinely revealed religions such as Islam,

                       Christianity and Judaism; and they reject the stric-
                       tures of these religions that forbid lying, stealing,
                       murder and doing harm to others. Satanism re-
                       gards it as a sign of superiority to commit every
                       act that revealed religions call a sin; for this reason,
                       it urges its members to commit these same acts.
                       According to this perverse doctrine, there is no
                       limit to evil. People should give free rein to their
                       every feeling of resentment, anger and revenge.

                           In the Qur’an, the situation of those who fol-
                       low satan is described in these words:
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