Page 104 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 104
tural and social policies must be determined accordingly.
Otherwise, if you ask young satanists why they have murdered
an innocent someone in a frenzy, they will answer that wild ani-
mals live to kill and that they—like all humans—are wild ani-
For this reason, the first step in challenging satanism must be
to dry up the wellsprings that feed this perverse ideological cur-
rent. And to do so, the basic requirement is to reveal the errors
and deceptions in Darwinism and similar ideologies from their
beginnings. Together with this “de-programming,” young people
must be spiritually sensitized. Anyone who knows that Allah cre-
ated the universe from nothing will be equally aware of his re-
sponsibilities to Him and that he will arise after death to give an
account of every moment he spent on Earth. Knowing this, he
cannot possibly misguided into doing anything that would harm
himself or those around him.