Page 100 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
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Communist ideology shaped by Bakunin they use as propaganda.
For example, on an Internet site called “Satanic Reds,” the satan-
ist-Communist ideology is defended in these words:
Why Reds? Oh the dreaded name! Red has always been asso-
ciated with “The Radical.” The Soviet Union, a real
Communist country, is the only country in the world where
their top officials not only read the Satanic Bible but consid-
ered it worth putting in their Museum. 33
The symbol of the Satanic Reds is a hammer and scythe with-
in a satanist star. The group is organized with a General Secretary,
a Commissar and Comrades, which structure is explained on
their Internet site. This website also features articles defending
Communist ideology and praising Stalin and Mao, two of
Communism’s bloodiest dictators.
For example, article entitled “Stalin Was Right” praises this
murderer of 40 million people and explains how these slaughters
were justified. 34
Satanic Reds is an Internet
website that promotes the
bloody alliance between
satanism and Communism.
The site reveals that the
Communist Russian lead-
ers read The Satanic Bible.
The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism