Page 98 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 98
Another element of satanism’s dark world is the Communist
ideology. In the past century, more than 120 million people have
lost their lives due to Communism, which was the product of
self-styled satanist ideologues.
The life of the founder of Communism, Karl Marx, contains
some interesting implications on this matter. Marx was a violent-
ly hostile to any kind of religious expression, and at the base of
this hostility lay his interest in the doctrines of satanism. On this
matter, the noted historian of Vatican University, Malachi Martin,
says that Marx “at Berlin University indulged in a virulent form
of ceremonial Satanism. Dating from that period, his youthful po-
ems [were] in adoration of Oulanem—a ritualistic name for Satan.
. .” 31
Not only was Marx a satanist, but so also was Michael
Bakunin, who played an important part in the history of
Communism. Bakunin is known as the founder of anarchism,
which is nothing other than a radical version of Communism.
Bakunin formulated the ideology of anarchism which aims to de-
stroy state, religion, and the family and all manner of social val-
ues. He openly admitted that his inspiration was in satanism, lik-
ening satan’s rebellion against Allah to Communism’s rebellion
against religion, the state and society. Bakunin saw Satan “as the
spiritual head of revolutionaries.” 32
Today Bakunin’s words are reported with admiration on sa-
tanist Internet sites and publications, and the anarchist-
The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism