Page 101 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 101
One of the international sa- existence of Satan as a senti-
tanist organizations is The Temple ent being or spirit in the uni-
of Set, founded in 1975 by verse, and the worship of
Michael Aquino. He left the Satan and obedience to his
Church of Satan because he perceived principles, stand-
thought that it had become too ards, and goals.
commercialized. Set, from which (http://www.necron-
his organization took its name,
was the ancient Egyptian false ism/tos2.html)
god of the underworld and dark- Black magic occupies an im-
ness. The same word in Hebrew portant place in the Temple of
means satan. The basic idea that Set. Members believe that they
separates the Temple of Set from can develop and improve them-
the Church of Satan is that Setians selves with magic. So first of all,
do not regard satan as a symbolic new members are given an intro-
concept only. They do not regard ductory brochure describing black
their Temple as simply a way to magic, the philosophy of magic
oppose religious values. Temple and the special spells that must be
members describe satanism in performed. (J. Gordon Melton,
these words: Encyclopedia of American
Satanism is the belief in the Religions, Volume III, Triumph