Page 96 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 96

with floors covered in mud and pitch, and walls dripping with
                 blood and filth. The band members are made up with frightening
                 and repulsive make-up and wear disgusting outfits such as de-

                 generates would wear. In their concerts, religion is insulted and
                 audience tears up religious books.
                     The soloist of another band and a member of the Church of

                 Satan, Marilyn Manson, sends messages to his fans suggesting
                 that they should assault their families, religious institutions and
                 society in general. When Manson was asked in a 1995 interview
                 what he thought of evolution, he gave this answer:

                     I tend to believe in Social Darwinism, so I believe the evolu-
                     tion of society. I guess I believe, to a certain degree, the
                     Darwin Theory . . . I’m not, however, open to the idea of
                     Genesis and Creationism. It doesn’t work for me. 28

                                                                    Satanist solo-
                                                                    ist, Marilyn
                                                                    Manson, is not
                                                                    hesitant to call
                                                                    himself “a ter-
                                                                    rorist of ideas.”

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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