Page 92 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 92
As already pointed out, the affinity that satanists felt for
Darwinism led naturally to an alliance between satanism and
Fascism. We know that Fascism, like satanism, rests on the basic
philosophy of Social Darwinism. According to Fascism, the world
is an arena of conflict between various races in the struggle for
survival. For a Fascist, bloodshed, wars and inflicting pain on oth-
ers is a sacred duty as well as a pleasure. (For a detailed discus-
sion of this link, see Harun Yahya’s Fascism: The Bloody Ideology of
Darwinism .)
Like satanism, Fascism is an ideol-
ogy rooted in Social Darwinism
and fueled by anger and resent-