Page 87 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 87

Adnan Oktar

               article entitled “The Scientific Background of the Nazi ‘Race
               Purification’ Program” relates Malthus’ views on population and
               the importance they attained among the 19th-century European
                    In the opening half of the nineteenth century, throughout
                    Europe, members of the ruling classes gathered to discuss the
                    newly discovered “Population problem” and to devise ways of
                    implementing the Malthusian mandate, to increase the mortal-
                    ity rate of the poor: “Instead of recommending cleanliness to
                    the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns
                    we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into
                    the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country

                    we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particu-
                    larly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome
                    situations,” and so forth and so on. 25
                    Malthus’ theory was not fully put into practice, but it gave
               rise to another theory: Darwin’s theory of evolution. It is evident
               from his writings that Darwin was influenced by Malthus to de-
               velop the foundations of his own theory: namely, the struggle for

               life, and the elimination of the weak. Clearly, the satanist world
               view springs from the same source as Darwin’s theory, and the
               conclusion reached by both is “social Darwinism”—which is
               nothing other than the application of Darwin’s theory to society.
                    Besides this, in any environment that harbors hostility to-
               ward moral values, there will be all manner of amorality. Robbery
               and murder will go unchecked. According to this ignorant philos-
               ophy, these evils are a part of human nature and should not be


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