Page 82 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 82

We can see that the unscientific claims that these authors
                 have made in the name of science form the basis of many perverse
                 ideologies such as satanism. By defending their distorted ideas,
                 they are drawing the whole of humanity into an immense disas-
                     The fact is, however, that Allah created the universe and hu-
                 man beings with great artistry. Every individual is responsible to

                 Allah Who created him. This is a plain fact; and those who try to
                 avoid it, together with those who spread such lies, will realize at
                 the moment of their deaths how wrong they were.

                     Satanists have based their philosophy on the principle of the
                 evolutionary theory that a human being is a species of animal; ac-
                 cordingly, they desire to establish a world in which human beings
                 live and behave like animals. For satanists, the ideal society
                 would be totally ruled by Darwinist values, and its basic princi-

                 ple would be that the powerful crush the weak. According to sa-
                 tanism’s distorted beliefs, a human being must develop himself
                 and evolve in order to survive and be successful in this “struggle
                 for life.” One who cannot do this is abandoned and left behind to
                     The same law is seen to apply to societies. Societies that do
                 not evolve must see their cultures—and nations—die. For satan-

                 ism, which is a fully fledged social Darwinist ideology, the best
                 way of population control would be to eliminate the weak. 19
                     Burton H. Wolfe, a priest of the Church of Satan and also an

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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