Page 80 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 80

some races and individuals have evolved more highly than oth-
                 ers, who have not advanced beyond the lower steps on the evolu-
                 tionary chart. As we shall see, this accounts for the natural associ-
                 ation between satanism and Fascism. But unlike Fascism, satan-
                 ism asserts not only differences between societies and races, but
                 also that within any one society, some members are superior to

                     Predictably, the superior ones are those who understand the
                 power of evil and believe in it—and this superiority gives them
                 the right to treat others as they like.
                     All this shows that satanism in an atheist belief system cen-

                 tered on the evolutionary theory, which theory asserts that human
                 beings are a species of animal. It’s on this basis that satanists de-
                 velop their modes of thinking and acting. When you examine
                 books written by evolutionist biologists, philosophers and intel-

                 Satanists trust in the ignorant idea that evil will make them strong. But
                 evil can never make a person superior; on the contrary, it lowers him
                 into a catastrophe from which he cannot escape.
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