Page 76 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 76

All publications of the Church of Satan insist on using the
                 term “carnal beast” to describe a human being, like an animal that
                 lives only to satisfy its own desires. In the words of satanist high

                 priest Peter H. Gilmore: “Man is an animal, and must go back to
                 acting like one.” This perverse logic lies behind their view of hu-
                 man relationships and of the human attitude toward other crea-
                 tures: Since human beings are animals, they should not hesitate to
                 behave like animals.
                     For example, satanists regard rape legitimate because it is

                 commonly practiced among wild animals in nature. In the same
                 way, satanists regard sacrificing human life as natural because of
                 the savage struggle for survival among animals in nature.
                 Torturing animals to death is a product of the same attitude. If a
                 human being is a carnal beast living only to satisfy its own de-

                 sires, it should act accordingly. For satanists, this life of savagery
                 must be defended—and practiced—to the very end. But it is not
                 difficult to imagine the kind of society that would be formed if all
                 its members acted on the basis of their bestial desires. In this situ-
                 ation, people would live in their own dark world, commit horri-
                 ble crimes and swiftly become unbalanced.

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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