Page 81 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 81

Adnan Oktar

               lectuals, you can see that they repeat almost word for word the sa-
               tanist principles cited above.
                    For example, we can see such similar satanist expressions in
               the books of Darwinists and atheists such as Richard Dawkins,
               Stephen J. Gould, Daniel Dennett and Carl Sagan. They all believe
               that human beings are a higher species of animal and that life is a
               struggle. And when they state that in this struggle, only the

               strong will survive, they describe human nature in the same way
               that satanists do.
                    For example, in an article entitled “Meet My Cousin, the
               Chimpanzee,” noted evolutionist Richard Dawkins presents the
               nonsensical view that human ancestors were apes:
                    We admit that we are like apes, but we seldom realize that we
                    are apes. There is no natural category that includes chimpan-
                    zees, gorillas and orangutans but excludes humans. . . All the
                    great apes that have ever lived, including ourselves are linked
                    to one another by an unbroken chain of parent-child bonds. 16

                    In his book Ever Since Darwin, Stephen J. Gould, an avid sup-
               porter of Darwinism, writes “These are the shackles of our apish
               ancestry—brutality, aggression, selfishness—in short, general
               nastiness.”  In another publication, he claims that human beings
               and the universe are works of blind chance:
                    We are here because one odd group of fishes had a peculiar fin
                    anatomy that could transform into legs for terrestrial creatures;
                    because the earth never froze entirely during an ice age; be-
                    cause a small and tenuous species, arising in Africa a quarter
                    of a million years ago, has managed, so far, to survive by hook
                    and by crook. We may yearn for a “higher” answer—but none
                    exists. 18

                                        Harun Yahya
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