Page 77 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 77

Adnan Oktar

                    How, then, have satanists become convinced of the idea that
               men are wild animals out only to satisfy their own desires? The
               one answer to this question is the theory of evolution. In his the-
               sis on satanism, Roald Kristiansen describes it as “a form of so-
               cial Darwinistic religion” and emphasizes the place that the the-
               ory of evolution occupies in satanism’s logical structure:

                    Satanism can be considered as a form of social Darwinistic
                    “religion” which seeks to promote the rights of the strongest
                    to dominate the weaker because that is the way in which hu-

                                                         Satanism maintains that
                                                       human beings are only an-
                                                         other species of animal
                                                        that lives according to its
                                                      savage feelings. According
                                                      to this perverse idea, if hu-
                                                       mans are merely a species
                                                       of animal, it is natural that
                                                       they will always be in con-
                                                        flict with one another like
                                                        wild animals in the world
                                                                     of nature.

                                        Harun Yahya
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