Page 72 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 72

advocate of satanism, describes satanist materialism and its rela-
                 tion with Darwinism:
                     The materialism of Satanic philosophy dismisses any so-called
                     spiritual life that’s divorced from, or “higher than,” physical
                     existence . . . LaVey was an elitist and Social Darwinist. 9
                     Another important fact satanists fail to comprehend is that

                 human nature is not prideful or carnal. Allah has breathed His
                 own spirit into human beings and created them in the best possi-
                 ble way. The human spirit is delicate, created to delight in mercy,
                 compassion, love, subtlety, humanity and friendship. The urge
                 that directs people to evil and pitilessness is the voice of the low-
                 er self, dispatched by satan. And by listening to that self, a person

                 brings terrible consequences on himself.


                     Among the salient data that an investigator of satanism will
                 discover concerns its relation to Social Darwinism. The element
                 that shapes satanist aspirations with regard to social life and that
                 forms the basis of their worldview is Darwinism. Many satanists
                 openly admit this fact. The fact that satanists advocate Darwinism
                 is stressed in many publications.

                     Known for his investigations of satanism, Dr. Roald E.
                 Kristiansen of Pomor University in Russia describes satanism as
                     Satanism is best conceived as a radical form of atheistic so-
                     cial Darwinism which views Christianity as its primary ene-
                     my . . . . The point is not to experience some kind of super-nor-

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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