Page 69 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 69
Adnan Oktar
But anyone who maintains this is deceiving himself. The
whole universe, including human beings, is the work of the su-
preme power of a Creator—Allah; and everyone is responsible to
Human existence in this world is limited by time. When
one’s time is fulfilled, that individual will die. After physical
death, every individual will enter the Presence of our Lord to give
an account for every moment of his life. For those who live out
their lives without responsibility, thinking they are liable to no ac-
counting, will be without recourse on that day.
In order to better understand the influence of materialism
and atheism on satanism, we need only examine its publications.
For example, when we look at what the Church of Satan has pub-
lished, we see that all its authors are atheists. And satanists are
materialists, who believe only in the existence of matter. And be-
cause satanists deny the existence of Allah, they also deny the ex-
istence of supernatural beings such as angels. Therefore, they ac-
tually deny the existence of satan! Despite their designation of
themselves as satan worshippers, they do not believe in a literal
being called satan. For them, satan is merely a symbol of the op-
position to religion. These ideas are expressed in a document en-
titled “A Description of Satanism” published by the Church of
Satanism is an atheist religion like Buddhism. Nothing to an-
swer to other than the consequences of our actions. Satanists
do not believe in the existence of God, Angels, Heaven, or
hell, the devil, Satan, Evil Spirits, Good spirits, Tooth fairies,
or demons. Materialism and realism are the order of the
Satanist. Real life and real emotions come first. Satanism is
Harun Yahya