Page 66 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 66
Satanism arises from a spiritual void. The ideas developed in
the 19th century—that this world is no more than an aggregation
of material elements—drove people into that spiritual emptiness.
Until then, religious values were inseparable from society. But aft-
erwards, social values changed, and religious morality came to be
regarded as unimportant. Indeed, religious values were deliber-
ately excluded from social life.
Entailed in this way of thinking that developed in the 19th
century was an opposition to religious morality and those who
practiced it, and a belief in the possibility of a morality without
the fear of Allah. But the removal of religious morality from soci-
ety has produced a great vacancy, and experience has shown the
impossibility of morality without the fear of Allah.
For those living in this void, good and evil have lost their
value and meaning, resulting in a conceptual chaos. The kind of
people now finding acceptance in society have become those who
live the “good life” of prosperity, who earn more and spend more
and, if necessary, use and exploit others to get what they want.
Their self-interest is paramount, and they regard self-sacrifice as
naiveté. People are willing to help others only after they have
looked after themselves. As a result, the essential virtues and ba-
sic needs of the human spirit—love, mercy, compassion, friend-
ship, loyalty and faithfulness—are all forgotten, and evil has tak-
en the place of goodness.
But this is an artificial state of affairs, managed by the remov-
al of spiritual values and specially planned by elements opposed
to religious morality.
The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism